The True Cost of Disruptive Behavior - Save TIME/CASH/Students with PBIS

Disruptive Behavior Cost Us All

We often shudder at the time it takes to provide Professional Development training to our teachers and staff - not to mention the cost. We need to pay staff or sub as well as for the trainers and material. But what is the cost of disruptive behaviors in our school?Forget about the humanitarian and global economic costs of paying to incarcerate or provide social assistance to citizens who are not college or career ready by the time they leave school. Let's just look at the cost of dealing with disruptive behaviors in school.The basic costs are:

Disruptions to class and the quantity of educational content a teacher can deliver to a student or studentsStudent time out of the classroom (learning environment) sitting in an office or in-school/out-of-school suspension.Administrator time to talk with the student, parent, and file paperwork - and therefore not engaging in leadership duties for the staff or the school community.

PBIS creates a positive, proactive, safe school climate (empirically validated across thousands of schools for over a decade). See the Prezi slides below for a taste of what disruptive behavior really cost and the investment in PBIS will seem like a no-brainer!