PBIS Graduate Course



Respectful, Responsible and Caring Students!


School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).


In a word - OUTCOMES!One of the foremost advancements in school-wide discipline over the last 20 years has been the innovation of school-wide systems of support. PBIS is a scientifically researched and evidence-based practice. This means that it has been demonstrated to measurably:- Reduce classroom disruptions and office referrals- Increase student academic achievement- Improve school climate and safety

Graduate Course in PBIS

Our own Dr. Gulchak has been adjunct faculty at Northern Arizona University and teaching ESE 502 School-wide Behavior Management since 2008. The fall semester begins 8/27/2012, so there is still time to register for either graduate credit or to audit it for certificate hours. But ACT NOW!Register and get more information from the NAU SELECT program.You can also see the Fall 2012 Schedule here.

More Courses

Dr. Gulchak also teaches ESE 506 Disability Law beginning 10/22/12. This is a special education law course that will inform you about discipline law and all the changes that have come about since Public Law 94-142 first passed in 1974. There is a lot more to SPED law then FAPE, LRE, IEP's, and Due Process. (And a lot more acronyms too!).