Safe Schools Matter
Safe and supportive learning environments are paramount for both students and educators, as they play a pivotal role in shaping the overall educational experience. Statistics underscore the critical importance of fostering such environments. According to a 2020 survey conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), approximately 20% of students reported being bullied at school. This alarming statistic not only highlights the prevalence of harmful behaviors but also underscores the urgent need for schools to prioritize safety and support.
Furthermore, research by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) indicates that students who feel safe and supported in their learning environments are more likely to perform better academically, exhibit improved mental health, and engage in positive social interactions. In addition, a study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that teachers in supportive environments are more satisfied with their jobs and demonstrate higher levels of instructional effectiveness. Hence, safe and supportive learning environments are not only integral to students' well-being but also crucial for educators' professional fulfillment and effectiveness. By creating and maintaining such environments, educational institutions can pave the way for better academic outcomes, enhanced mental health, and a more positive educational experience for all stakeholders.
“Research suggests that a positive school climate can lead to a significant decrease in the likelihood of crime, aggression, and violent behavior.”
Evidence-Based Content and Best Practices to Enhance School Safety
Launched in 2020, is a collaborative, interagency website created by the Federal government to provide schools and districts with actionable recommendations for creating safe and supportive learning environments for students and educators. It offers a one-stop access point for information, resources, guidance, and evidence-based practices on various school safety topics. The website enables members of the K-12 academic community to prioritize school safety actions, access relevant resources and funding opportunities, connect with state and local school safety officials, and develop comprehensive school safety plans.
School Climate Resources
Here is just a small sample of the free resources available to schools - start with an infographic.
School Climate Improvement Resource Package (2018)
This resource package includes a variety of items to meet a range of needs among public schools and districts interested in improving school climate, including a reference manual, action guides, data resources, and online modules.
Parent and Educator Guide to School Climate Resources (2019)
This guide provides general information about the concept of school climate improvement, suggestions for leading an effective school climate improvement effort, and additional resources for those interested in more information.
Stronger Connections Grant Program: Frequently Asked Questions (2022)
This downloadable frequently asked questions document is designed to assist state and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs) in guiding effective use of Stronger Connections funds to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments and to respond to inquiries the Department of Education has received from SEAs, LEAs, and students and families, about program implementation.
Social Emotional Learning at a Glance (2023)
This resource from the US Department of Justice provides an overview of social emotional learning and outlines facts, common misunderstandings, and benefits of the approach.
Tools Galore!
If you’re not exhausted from checking out all the hyperlinks in this articles yet - this may put you over the edge! also has pages of Tools to Get Started:
Grants Finder Tools
Safety Readiness Tool
Resource Search
State Search Tool
School Safety Events
Communications Center
Foundational Elements
Contact us and let us know which tools, resources, or topics you found most useful.
Blog written in collaboration with ChatGPT August 2023 Version.