Behavior Principles
A fast-paced and fun look at WHY children (and adults) behave the way they do - spoiler alert - you can influence their behavior 😊.
Learn the science behind all human behavior and the principals that positive behavior support and PBIS is based upon. Behavior Principles, like gravity and the laws of physics, apply across cultures and countries - these principles act on us whether we are aware of it or not. Download the make-and-take activity for note taking ahead of viewing the video.
Facilitator Suggestions:
There are three opportunities for group discussions during this video. Take 5 minutes at each one to pause and stop the video to reflect on what has been covered and the question posed by the presenter. Options for mixing up the reflections include:
Small group reflection (3-4 people)
Paired reflection (2 people)
Grade level, department level, or team/committee groupings
Individual reflection, then ask a few people to share their ideas with the group
Time: 37 min. video, 5 min. to create Make-and-Take, 15 min. of reflection. Total Time = 57 min.